Reflections on 2020: An Ecologists Perspective

A Challenging Year

This year we have all been trying to deal with the unprecedented international crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. The costs have been so high for so many.

We are fortunate to have escaped much of the devastation seen elsewhere. The change to working from home was possible for us, while it wasn’t for so many. Social distancing was never going to be a problem for people who usually work alone in the middle of fields or forests! We are so grateful for the support and kindness from our local businesses and communities, keeping us busy during such a difficult time. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Some Positives

All things considered, this has been a surprising year, to say the least. There are many positives that have come from such a dark period. The most heartening of these is the amazing capacity for us as a species to come together and help one another when it really matters. We have seen so many examples of people and organisations doing incredible things for the common good.

Another thing that this pandemic has shown us is the capacity for countries around the world to act together to tackle a huge global crisis. There are many encouraging signs that we may now be seeing a renewed global effort in relation to the climate and biodiversity crisis. Let’s hope that political leaders take this opportunity to rebuild our economies and societies in a way that combats these existential threats.

Many people rediscovered and reconnected with nature this year. This can only be a good thing. The true value of nature has become much more obvious to many people, providing much-needed respite during these challenging times.

With Covid-19 vaccines being approved around the world we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, while continuing to follow guidelines to minimise the spread of this virus.

Thank You!

Thanks to all of our followers, friends, family, clients, colleagues and well-wishers for their support and kindness throughout 2020! We wish you all a safe and happy holiday season in the knowledge that 2021 should get better and better!

COVID-19 Update 25 March 2020

Corona Virus

Our work continues!

Our professional body The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) continues to work hard on our behalf, liaising with the Government, Statutory Nature Conservation Organisations, #developers and #planners to determine the best way forward to undertake planning-related ecological surveys and Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) services while protecting the health and well-being of our staff, customers and the wider community.

Following the new restrictions announced by the Government on Monday 23rd March, CIEEM have updated their guidance for #ecologists, available here:

Current advice is that ecological surveys can continue, “where necessary and where there is no clear risk to either the ecologists, other workers or the wider public. Under the new measures, travelling to and from work is still allowed, but only where this work absolutely cannot be done from home.”

Where ecological surveys can take place safely, they can proceed while observing all relevant current advice and restrictions including the avoidance of all face-to-face contact, handwashing, and maintaining at least 2m distance from other people at all times. The requirement to maintain a distance of at least 2m from other people means that where ecological surveys require more than 1 ecologist to be on site, they must travel in separate cars. This will result in some small increases to our costs but, as I’m sure most people will agree, this is the only way to ensure we can avoid transmission of the virus.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our clients for their understanding as we work together to #StaySafe #SaveLives


#StayHome #Covid-19 #Covid #Coronavirus #CoronaVirusChallenge #OpenForBusiness #KeepItLocal #WorkingFromHome #NorthernIreland #Ireland #Ecology #Ecologists #Nature #Planning #Architecture

COVID-19 Update 18 March 2020

Corona Virus

We all have people in our social circles that may be at higher risk from COVID-19. To protect ourselves, our loved ones and our clients as far as possible during these challenging times we have changed some of the ways that we work. These are all minor changes that allow us to remain #OpenForBusiness, albeit in a more virtual, digital capacity. We can continue to provide GUARANTEED surveys for our customers to the same high standards we have always provided, on time and on budget.

The main changes we have made are:

  • We will be working from home as much as possible. We are fortunate that a large proportion of our business can be conducted remotely. Many other businesses may not have that option.
  • We will be avoiding face-to-face contact as much as possible. So instead of face-to-face meetings, we will be using online video conferencing, phone calls and emails.
  • Ecological surveys can continue with appropriate safeguards in place including avoidance of face-to-face contact where possible.

Many of these changes may actually bring improvements that result in their retention even after we have beaten this virus!

Through all of this, we will continue to support our local businesses and communities. We will provide updates as more information becomes available and as guidelines and advice is updated. In the meantime, we wish everyone peace, health and happiness! #WereInThisTogether

#StaySafe #Covid-19 #CoronaVirus #HappyToHelp #KeepItLocal #CoronaVirusChallenge #WorkingFromHome #NorthernIreland #Ireland #IrelandVsCovid #Ecology #Ecologists #Nature #Planning #Architecture