Many development projects have the potential to cause negative impacts on a variety of habitats and species. However, at Kane Ecology Ltd we believe that through clever ecological design and mitigation techniques these negative impacts can be eliminated or reduced. This will ensure environmental compliance and avoid unnecessary delays and negative publicity for your development project. All mitigation works follow current best practice guidelines and are conducted in accordance with British Standard (BS 42020:2013) – Biodiversity: Code of Practice for Planning and Development.
Avoid Ecological Impacts
Avoidance of ecological impacts is always preferable to mitigation or compensation from both an ecological perspective and in terms of project costs and timelines.
Avoidance of impacts may involve simply rethinking the problem while keeping costs to a minimum. Timings and locations of works can be considered in conjunction with the ecological constraints of the site.
Mitigation of Ecological Impacts
Where ecological impacts cannot be avoided appropriate mitigation measures will be required to reduce or minimise these impacts. This may involve changes to the timing or location of works, use of certain engineering techniques and/or ongoing management of habitats and species on site and beyond the site boundary.
Where species or habitat relocation is involved, a European Protected Species (EPS) licence may be required. Risks of ecological impacts can be reduced and environmental compliance can be improved through bespoke training options, employing ecological watches, tailored Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) services, or through Ecological Mitigation Plans, ecological management plans, habitat management plans, or species management plans.
Ecological Compensation
In some cases, residual ecological impacts may remain even after mitigation measures have been factored in. Where this is the case, ecological compensation will be required.
This may involve relocating species or habitats or creating new habitats or resources for species to facilitate your development. As each site may have a unique combination of ecological issues we devise bespoke compensation options to give your project the best chance of securing planning permission and maintaining a positive public profile. Our ecologists can advise on what measures will be necessary.
Ecological Enhancement
Best practice requires ecological enhancement where possible. At Kane Ecology Ltd we are passionate about ecological enhancement, and we have the experience and expertise to design successful enhancement opportunities for a range of habitats and species.
From initial conception, Kane Ecology can create bespoke solutions with innovative designs and guide you through a detailed schedule of works to successful implementation.